LPDDR spot price
Mode Item Price Low Daily Open Daily Close Chart
LPDDR4 24Gb 14.20 14.80 14.50
LPDDR4 32Gb 19.20 20.00 19.50
LPDDR2 4Gb 1.90 2.10 2.00
LPDDR2 8Gb 3.70 4.00 3.90
LPDDR3 8Gb 2.65 2.95 2.80
LPDDR3 16Gb 5.60 6.30 6.00
LPDDR4 16Gb 2.90 3.15 3.00
LPDDR4x 48Gb 8.80 9.30 9.00
LPDDR4x 32Gb 5.90 6.30 6.10
LPDDR4 8Gb 1.70 2.00 1.80
When the plate price = price published daily Monday to Friday three hours early, middle and late disc; day until the next business day after the close of morning trading before the market opened, the price is not updated.
Morning: 13:00 PM (GMT +8) reflects early Asian trade prices.
Mid: 14:40 PM (GMT +8) reflects the prices of the Asian session.
Late plate: 18:00 PM (GMT +8) reflects the prices of the Asian night drive.